Supporter promise
We rely on donations to provide our much-needed services. We are accountable to you, our donors, for the way we spend your money and the service you receive from us. This is our promise to you.
We will treat you with respect; ensuring that anyone who asks for a donation on behalf of Education Support shows the greatest understanding and respect for our supporters.
We will spend the money you give us wisely. We will demonstrate this by sharing the positive impact our work has on people in the education sector, through our communications (including letters, website and newsletters).
We will not waste money on contacting you unnecessarily. If we do contact you, it is because we believe it will enable us to continue/expand our important work and be of interest to you.
If you don’t want to hear from us, we will respect your wishes. We will provide opportunities to change the way we communicate with you and we will make this as easy as possible.
We will not sell, trade or swap your personal details with any other organisation. In some cases, we need to work with third parties to process your donation, but we will always let you know.
Please take a look at Privacy Policy for more information.