Inclusive Staffroom: Professional Supervision Application

Inclusive Staffroom Information

Professional supervision

The overall aim of this project is to help to create more inclusive cultures for educators from global majority backgrounds that support their mental health and wellbeing.

You will make new connections and develop new insights and perspectives.

Our professional supervision gives you space to think and reflect, to discuss who you are, how you are and what’s going on for you at work. Professional supervision focuses on your role within education. You can bring any concerns you have about school culture, team dynamics, staff members, students or yourself, and share them with a qualified and experienced supervisor. 

Your supervisor will work with you over six fully funded one-to-one sessions online, which are completely confidential. Ahead of your six sessions, your supervisor will talk you through what to expect and how you’ll work together.

The term Global Majority includes those people who identify as Black, African, Asian, Brown, Arab and mixed heritage, are indigenous to the global south, and/or have been racialised as ‘ethnic minorities’. Globally, these groups currently represent approximately eighty-five percent of the world’s population, making them the Global Majority now (Campbell-Stephens, 2021)

Please note: All our professional supervision sessions will be held during working hours.

About you
Organisation information
Please enter the postcode using capital letters and spacing. Example: 'N5 1EW'
Your personal details may be kept on our systems for a maximum of five years and will then be deleted unless we receive explicit consent to retain them.  You may at any time withdraw your consent and ask your details to be deleted.  You also have a right to access your record, obtain a copy of it and/or correct your personal details.  Our complete data use and privacy guidelines are available online at