Helping staff balance work and life
74% of teachers and education staff said an inability to switch off from work is the major contributing factor to a poor work-life balance. Find out how our Employee Assistance Programme can help you support your staff with their work-life balance.
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In our 2020 Teacher Wellbeing Index 74% of teachers and education staff said an inability to switch off from work is the major contributing factor to a poor work-life balance. It’s not hard to see how this might affect your staff’s time away from work.
When work impacts on life
By giving access to immediate emotional and practical help at the end of the phone, our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) provides staff with a confidential safety valve. They may discover ways to change things for the better, or face a situation from a new angle. Staff can access confidential help 24/7 from a sympathetic and empathetic counsellor.
"The quality of the counsellors on the phone and the service itself was supportive, empathetic and informative with a clear consideration to the person using the service."Robert, Assistant Head
When life impacts on work
Because our EAP is a service tailored to the individual, the support provided is also tailored to the situation they are facing - whether it is at work or at home. This might include information for staff who are relocating to a new town, or looking after older relatives. It may include support with financial or legal challenges, and mental health support like CBT or mindfulness.
"We all need a bit of extra help sometimes and I think it reflects really well on us as a school that we offer it, and that people are comfortable taking up that offer. It means they aren’t afraid to use it and trust the support available."Louise, Assistant Head
We focus on the wellbeing of teachers and education staff
We are the only UK charity focusing on the mental health and wellbeing of education staff. Our EAP is managed with our mission of improving the mental health of teachers and education staff in mind.
“Because Education Support is not-for-profit you feel as though they are focused on you. That matters a lot.Barry, Headteacher
Our service provides emotional and practical support that helps you and your colleagues thrive at work.
Fully funded professional supervision for school and FE college leaders in England and Wales.