Education Support goes to Parliament
We were delighted to have a huge range of stakeholders from across the education sector at the launch of the our Commission on Teacher Retention's final report in Parliament on 7 June.
News 11 July 2023 / 3 mins read

In addition to supporting you and your colleagues with your mental health and wellbeing, we advocate for changes in policy that we hope will benefit the education workforce. This is due to the very real systemic drivers of poor wellbeing among staff in schools.
Poor wellbeing and a crisis in staff morale is driving a talented teachers and education staff out of the profession. This needs to change.
That’s why we launched our Commission on Teacher Retention – it’s a vital part our efforts to campaign for change by giving educators a voice, and sharing realistic recommendations with policymakers.
We were delighted to have a huge range of stakeholders from across the education sector, including Unions, policymakers, training providers, MAT leaders, and of course school leaders and staff themselves at the launch of the Commission’s final report in Parliament on 7th June.

Our CEO Sinéad Mc Brearty outlined the findings of the report and the challenges facing schools today. We also heard from Shadow Schools Minister, Stephen Morgan MP and Flick Drummond MP, Member of the Education Select Committee on why the teacher retention crisis is much an important issue. Thank you to Labour MP Emma Hardy MP who sponsored the event for us.
Several of the reports Commissioners were in attendance including the chair Evelyn Forde, ASCL President, Russell Hobby, Chief Executive of Teach First, Dame Alison Peacock, Chief Executive of the Chartered College of Teaching, Gareth Conyard of Teacher Development Trust.
Everyone was extremely positive about the recommendations in the report which were viewed as grounded in what’s practical and realistic.

The work does not stop here! We will continue to use our position as a leading voice on the issues facing the education workforce to call for positive change and meaningful improvements on teacher retention.
Watch this space.
If you haven’t yet, check out the report. Please share it on your social media channels, and tell us what you think needs to be done to fix teacher retention.
You can event tweet the report at your local MP and ask them to read it!