Beyond the mainstream: staff wellbeing in alternative provision
It’s time to shine a spotlight on alternative provision and explore the wellbeing challenges AP teachers and staff face. Hear from our speakers who share their experiences and advice.
Videos / 59 mins watch

Mainstream schools aren’t the right fit for every pupil. There are a number of reasons why some may be referred to an alternative site provision (AP) – such as behaviour, special educational needs or school exclusions. AP settings have fantastic teachers and invaluable support staff offering young people an opportunity to receive quality and consistent support.
But it’s no secret: AP is as challenging as it is rewarding.
It’s time to shine a spotlight on alternative provision and explore the wellbeing challenges AP teachers and staff face. Hear from our speakers who share their experiences and advice.
Our panel explore:
- the wellbeing challenges unique to AP and Pupil Referral Units (PRU)
- successful strategies and real-life practical examples to help support wellbeing and mental health
- advice and support to staff currently in AP and PRU settings to help them thrive in their careers and stay mentally healthy.
Here are our brilliant speakers:
- Zoe Johal, Deputy Headteacher, Coventry Extended Learning Centre and Council PRU provision
- Paul Hodgkinson, Chief Executive Officer, Bolton Impact Trust
- Sinéad Mc Brearty, Chief Executive Officer, Education Support (Chair)
- Amy Smith, Director of Education, Inclusive Education Trust and Vice President, PRUsAP
All teachers and support staff deserve to have their mental health prioritised. Watch now.
Paul has kindly shared his school's wellbeing charter that he refers to in the webinar. You can download the file below.
Thanks so much - great session! I found it so useful.
Staff Wellbeing Charter
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