Circle of control, influence and concern tool
Lack of control and influence is often cited by teachers and education staff as something that negatively affects their mental health. Can we improve how we feel by changing our perspective on what we cannot control?
Guides / 1 min read

There is no question that those working in education have busy jobs and busy minds.
This is often on top of busy personal lives.
Our recent Teacher Wellbeing Index reported that school staff are feeling overwhelmed, and stressed. In addition to the pressures of the job, the post pandemic landscape has increased the pressure on teachers and education staff.
There can be a misconception that the more we do, the more we’ll achieve. By doing more we can alleviate our job pressures or feelings of overwhelm.
But there can come a time when tasks and worries start to pile up. The weight of our to-do list becomes too heavy. We can lighten the load by shifting our focus away from the demands that make us feel anxious, towards our responses to those demands.
Using the circle of control, influence and concern tool is a useful way to shift that focus by understanding what we have the power to influence and what is out of our control.
This tool works brilliantly for individuals, and also as a team exercise during particularly intense or demanding times. Download our guide to find out how to use it in your school.
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