Teacher wellbeing: a global understanding

This report explores and summarises global understandings of teacher wellbeing.

Research / 2 mins read

This report explores and summarises global understandings of teacher wellbeing.

The research was commissioned by Education International (EI), the largest federation of unions and associations, representing over 32m education employees in 383 organisations and 178 countries.  EI wanted to understand the current global policy landscape of teacher wellbeing and approached Education Support to undertake the work.

Key findings:

  • There is no common definition of teacher wellbeing around the world.
  • Understanding of the concept is influenced by research studies that have taken place as well as being affected by local and cultural environments.
  • There is no agreed way to measure teacher wellbeing making it difficult to compare research findings.

We looked at the viability of creating a global index of teacher wellbeing.  A shared approach and agreed way to measure teacher wellbeing is seen as useful as long as healthy diversity, flexibility and adaptability for local cultural settings is considered, along with the engagement of a range of different disciplines.

Download the full report below.

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