Mental Health and Wellbeing Masterclasses

Our masterclasses will help you to deepen your knowledge in a range of areas related to mental health and wellbeing in your school.

Leadership, culture change and financial wellbeing are just some of the topics we’ve got covered.

As well as providing inspiration and new perspective, they will provide practical takeaways that you can apply in your personal or professional life.

Sign up below! 

How do they work?

They are interactive sessions delivered online by external experts. They will be three hours long for groups of up to 30 people.

Through our work with schools in Wales, we have learnt what matters most when it comes to wellbeing across the education workforce right now.

Responding to this, we are offering expert led masterclasses on a range of topics suitable for different staff groups whether you work in a school or you have a role supporting schools.

These Masterclasses are funded thanks to support from Welsh Government.

Sign up to our regular updates to be the first to know about our funded masterclasses for Welsh schools. 

Wellbeing Advisory Service
Wellbeing Advisory Service
Wellbeing Support and Development Services
Wellbeing Support and Development Services
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