Prioritising staff wellbeing with an Employee Assistance Programme
How an Employee Assistance Programme helps schools prioritise the wellbeing of their most precious resource - their staff.

First the pandemic and now the cost of living crisis have reminded us that staff are a school’s most precious resource. But how do you make sure that staff feel supported each and every day?
Education Support can help. We're the only UK charity dedicated to the mental health and wellbeing of education staff, with 145 years of experience. We work with schools across the UK.
Watch this webinar introduced by Daren Chisholm from Education Support to:
- Hear from Sheila Claridge, HR Lead of a MAT, who has used our Employee Assistance Programme as part of the Trust’s wellbeing strategy, leading to improved staff retention and wellbeing.
- Hear some of the latest statistics on teacher wellbeing from our 2022 Teacher Wellbeing Index report.
- Find out about our free tools and resources and how we can support staff to increase awareness of how to protect their own wellbeing at school.
School leaders, wellbeing leads, and those in HR should watch our webinar – in fact anyone who is looking for effective ways to improve staff wellbeing at their school.
Support your staff every day
Our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is a package of emotional and practical support that helps you and your colleagues to thrive at work.
We are only as good as our people, and our people need to be well to perform as they want to.Sheila Claridge, Head of HR, Heart Academies Trust
Our service provides emotional and practical support that helps you and your colleagues thrive at work.

Fully funded professional supervision for school and FE college leaders in England and Wales.