Action learning for Wellbeing Leads

Would you like the opportunity to joint problem solve with a supportive group of wellbeing leads from across schools in Wales?

Our Actions Learning Sets give you to the chance to work with a community of professionals to facilitate long term culture change. You will develop the skills and knowledge needed to improve mental health and wellbeing in your school.

What is an Action Learning Set?

Action learning is an applied learning approach where you identify and execute a specific set of activities that will improve your particular situation or solve a problem. Working as part of a group, you reflect on your learning, both in terms of the specific issue addressed and more widely about your own efficacy and the nature of change in your particular context.

Put simply, each member of the group brings an issue or problem to pitch to the group and during the facilitated session, the group provides collective solutions or ideas.

To me action learning sets clearly demonstrate how the people doing the job can help people doing the job.
Wellbeing Lead

How does it work?

You will take part in four to six facilitated sessions in small groups. These funded sessions will focus on key challenges schools are facing right now. This could be anything from looking at the impact of behaviour on the mental health and wellbeing of staff to communication strategies to support inclusion, clarity and control.

They are pure gold if you want work with others to solve issues within your schools in relation to mental health and wellbeing. You will leave with practical ways to start to change practice within your school.

Each three hour session is led by our facilitators who are all qualified coaches with experience of working in education, each one with mental health expertise. We ask that you commit to all sessions for the benefit of your school and the group.

You will be provided with a range of resources and tools to support your action learning, so that the learning can continue outside of the sessions.

Sign up

These Active Learning Sets are fully funded thanks to support from the Welsh Government. Places are limited so register now!

How Action Learning Sets work
Wellbeing Advisory Service
Wellbeing Advisory Service
Wellbeing Support and Development Services
Wellbeing Support and Development Services
Sign up
Sign up